Pseudochilodonopsis piscatoris |
Pseudochilodonopsis piscatoris, the arrow marks the conspicuous "tail" of this cyrtophorid ciliate. |
Pseudochilodonopsis piscatoris, dorsal view, focus plane on the dorsal brush (marked by the two triangles) |
Pseudochilodonopsis piscatoris, ventral view. The arrowheads mark the rows of cilia (total no. of cilia rows: 11), which are in two areas, leaving the postoral area without cilia. The yellow arrows point to the excretion pores of the 2 contractile vacuoles which are visible as dark spots in this image. |
Pseudochilodonopsis piscatoris, dorsoventral view. This ciliate has 2 contractile vacuoles (CV). Also visible are the macronucleus (Ma) and the oral basket (OB). |
Location: Simmelried, Konstanz, sphagnum pond |
Habitat : detritus |
Date: 05.11.2017 |