Collotheca heptabrachiata; total view.This rotifer builts a transparent tube by the integument, into which the animal can retract.It is only visibly due to the bacteria which live in/on the mucus. 7 amictic eggs and one recently hatched juvenile with eyespots are visible at the foot base. |
Collotheca heptabrachiata: The corona shows 7 tips with knobs (arrowheads). In the stomach yellow dinoflagellates can be recognized as diet. |
Collotheca heptabrachiata: crop of the above image showing the short cilia between the tips. |
Location: NSG Heiliges Meer, near Erdfallsee |
Habitat: water plants (Utricularia sp.), sympatric with Collotheca coronetta |
Date: 15.04.2011 |