Dissotrocha aculeata Ehrenberg 1832
Dissotrocha aculeata, whirling specimen with protuded corona; dorsal view; focal plane on the eyespots and upper lip. It is interesting to realize that after 16 years the same species exists in the same habitat. (3)
Dissotrocha aculeata, specimen with retracted head/ corona; dorsal view; focal plane on the dorsal spines of the integument of the trunk. The arrow points to the only spine that is unpaired in this morphotype (some of the paired spines (not all of them are in focus) are marked by arrowheads). Janson (1893) therefore named a similar morphotype Dissotrocha aculeata medio-aculeata. (3)
Dissotrocha aculeata, lateral view; the integument of the trunk shows spines (1).
Dissotrocha aculeata, dorsal view; two cerebral eyespots are visible on the trunk. Trophi with dental formula 3/3 (1).
Dissotrocha aculeata, dorsal view; focal plane on the dorsal antenna which has three segments. The first segment is three-lobed (1)
Dissotrocha aculeata; left image: spines on the integument; right image: foot with spurs and 4 toes (1).
Dissotrocha aculeata; specimen from (2) treated with SDs. Granulated ijntegument with unpaired anterior spine.
Dissotrocha aculeata; trophi with dental formula 3/3 (2)
Location (1): Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, pond in front of NC/NB (1)
Habitat (1): desintegrating plants (1) (click to enlarge >>>>)
Date (1): 2.10.2008 (1); 28.05.2024 (3)
Location : Wertach near Bobingen, Bavaria, billabong, submerged moss (2);
Habitat: periphyton (2)
Date: 02.04.2014 (2)
freshwater life
marine life