Eosphora najas, dorsoventral view. A species with two red frontal eyespots and one red cervical eyespot. (3) |
Eosphora najas, ventral view. Focal plane on the footglands and some of the retractor muscles. (3) |
Eosphora najas, two aspects of the head. Upper image: focal plane on frontal eyespots. Lower image: focal plane on the mastax and the cerebral eyespot. The large salivary glands (arrows) of the mastax are asymmetrical, which is in contrast to E. thoa and E. thoides. (3) |
Eosphora najas; ecology: feeds on (monogonont) rotifers: this slightly compressed specimen shows several Colurella- and Trichocerca-specimens in the stomach. (4) |
Eosphora najas; crop of the above image. The asterisks mark 7 loricas of Colurella-rotifers; the arrow points to the trophi of a Trichocerca-rotifer. Also the red eyespot of this prey is visible. (4) |
Eosphora najas, virgate trophi, macerated with NaOCl. Fu: fulcrum; Ma: manubrium; Ra: ramus. (3) |
Eosphora najas, virgate trophi, focus plane on the unci and some epipharyngeal structures (E). Fu: fulcrum; Ma: manubrium; Ra: ramus; Un: uncus (3) |
Eosphora najas, dorsal view, whirling. Two red frontal eyespots and one red cervical eyespot. (1) |
Eosphora najas, trophi (left) and foot with 2 toes (right image). (1) |
Eosphora najas; specimen from (2) |
Location (3): Kalwes-Teiche, Bochum-Querenburg,NRW, Germany;pond2 |
Habitat (3): periphyton (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (3): 26.11.2022 |
Location (4): Mescherin, nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; fen |
Habitat (4):detritus/ between submerged moss |
Date (4): 17.05.2023 |
Location : Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Teich (1); Firenze, Italy, Arno river (2) |
Habitat: Plankton-Probe mit Detritus (1) detritus (2) |
Date: 25.10.2008 (1); 09.10.2012 (2) |