Floscularia ringens; the adult lives in a tube made out of detritus pills. In contrast to Floscularia janus the pills are deposited very regularly (1) |
Floscularia ringens, corona (1) |
Floscularia ringens, corona.(1) |
Floscularia ringens. In contrast to other flosculariids F. ringens forms the pills from detritus, which can be seen in this image (lateral view). The pill is formed in a ciliated cavity, the modulus, which is located below the labium (arrowhead).(1) |
Floscularia ringens forming a pill (arrow) from detritus; dorsoventral view. The arrow poiunts to the pill in the modulus, which is located below the labium (arrowhead). (1) |
Floscularia ringens, juvenile specimen without tube. Juveniles still have eyespots which are reduced when adult. Mo: ciliated cavity (modulus) with a small pill. (2) |
Floscularia ringens; crop of the above image. The arrow points to half-completed pill in the ciliated cavity (modulus). The arrowhead points to the labium. (2) |
Floscularia ringens; swimming larva from (3a) |
Floscularia ringens; same animal from the above image, 24 hours later. The larva had already settled and started depositing pills which can be seen as a brown ring at the base. (3b) |
Floscularia ringens; crop of the above image. Young animal in lateral view. A pill is formed in the modulus (3b) |
Floscularia ringens; head region of the young animal in ventral view. A pill is formed in the modulus. La: labium (upper lip); Mo: modulus (ciliated pill forming cavity); SLa: sublabium (lower lip); Me: metum (chin) (3); LVA & RVA: left and right ventral antenna. (3) |
Location: Gevelsberg Grünes Klassenzimmer pond (1); Kemnader See, Oveney; billabong of the river Ruhr (2); (3); NSG Heiliges Meer (2) |
Habitat: epibiontic on Potamogeton pectinatus (1); Detritus (2); Plankton (3); |
Date: 18.06.05 (1); 15.11.2009 (2); 12.02. 2016 (3a); 14.02. 2016 (3b); |