Habrotrocha pusilla var. textris: dorsoventral view, whirling. A species which builts a mucilaginous sheath. |
![](../../Bdelloid/Habrotrocha/img/Habrotrocha-pusilla_114x-8.jpg) |
Habrotrocha pusilla var. textris: dorsal view, focal plane on the triangular upper lip and the ramate trophi with dental formula 4/4. |
![](../../Bdelloid/Habrotrocha/img/Habrotrocha-pusilla-textris-brevis_141c-8.jpg) |
Habrotrocha pusilla var. textris: lateral view, showing that the lower lip is not outlined >>> H.pusilla textris brevilabris. |
![](../../Bdelloid/Habrotrocha/img/Habrotrocha-pusilla-textris_5-8.jpg) |
Habrotrocha pusilla var. textris: specimen in mucilaginous nest (which is slghtly compressed by the coverslide) with two eggs |
![](../../Bdelloid/Habrotrocha/img/Habrotrocha-pusilla-textris_16.jpg) |
Habrotrocha pusilla var. textris: specimen in mucilaginous nest with two eggs. the left egg is nearly ready for hatching. The trophi are visible. |
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Location: Eifel, Germany |
Habitat: Moss with mucilagenous green algae, together with: Macrotrachela papillosa, M. plicata plicata, M. quadricornifera, Bryceella perpusilla |
Date: 25.10.2013 |