Lindia torulosa; dorsoventral view. The two conspicuous auricles are only protruded while swimming. (4) |
Lindia torulosa; dorsoventral view. (1) |
Lindia torulosa; the cardte trophi of this species are specialized for feeding on cyanobacteria. Here Lindia torulosa bites off a piece of an Oscillatoria trichome, the trophi can be protruded for this purpose. (1) |
Lindia torulosa; digesting an Oscillatoria-filament. The oesophagus is dentated like a riffle file so that the filaments are transported in one direction towards the stomach (see also left image below).(1) |
Lindia torulosa; left image: oesophagus, right image: cardate trophi.(1) |
Lindia torulosa; another specimen from (2) shows that other cyanobacteria can serve as diet as well, here: Anabaena sp. (2) |
Lindia torulosa; another specimen from (3), lateral view. |
Lindia torulosa; cardate trophi and red eyespot from the above specimen. (3) |
Lindia torulosa; two aspects of cardate trophi from specimen from (4). Upper image: focus plane on the rami and the dentated epipharyngeal structures. Lower image: focus plane on (part of) the manubria. |
Lindia torulosa; two aspects of cardate trophi from specimen from (6). left image: brightfield; right image: focus plane on the leaf-like epipharyngeal structures (arrows). (6) |
Lindia torulosa; focus plane on the ciliary field (5). |
Lindia torulosa; dorsoventral view; specimen from (6). |
Location (1) (2): Sprockhövel, NRW, Germany; IG-Metall-Bildungszentrum; fire-fighting pond. |
Habitat (1) (2): plankton-sample with raised flakes of Cyanobacteria (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date 12.3.2007(1); 25.9.2007 (2) |
Location (6): Mescherin, nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; fen |
Habitat (6):detritus/ between submerged moss |
Date (6): 17.05.2023 |
Location: Paradieswiese, Tirol, Austria (3); Gevelsberg, Stefansbach, Feuchtgebiet (4); Wodantal, puddle (5) |
Habitat: plankton-sample with raised flakes of Cyanobacteria (1,2); mud (4); detritus (5) |
Date: 14.10.2014 (3); 20.05.2016 (4); 23.02.2015 (5) |