Macrotrachela brachysoma SCHULTE, 1954
Macrotrachela brachysoma, whirling specimen. This morphotype differs in some respects to the morphotype of M. brachysoma here >>>
Macrotrachela brachysoma, two aspects of the head, dorsal view. Focus plane on the lobes of the upper lip. The lower image shows the ventral side of the lobes, which is characteristic for M. brachysoma. Although this morphotype has the same characteristic ventral extensions of the lobes of the upper lip, the corona is wider (ratio: corona width vs. head width ≈ 128%) compared to the other morphotype of M. brachysoma (ratio: corona width vs. head width ≈ 90%)
Macrotrachela brachysoma, two aspects of corona and upper lip of whirling specimen, frontal view. Upper image: about 45 degrees dorsal of the longitudinal axis; lower image: about 45 degrees ventral of the longitudinal axis. (4)
Macrotrachela brachysoma, anterior part of creeping specimen from (4). Left: focus plane on the rostrum/ rostral lamella. Right: dorsoventral optical median section showing the retracted trochal discs and the pharyngeal tube.
Macrotrachela brachysoma, the arrow points to the dosal bump on the first foot pseudosegment. (4);
Macrotrachela brachysoma; left: foot with spurs, spurs with interspace.
Macrotrachela brachysoma; two aspects of the ramate trophi. Upper image: cephalic view; lower image: caudal view. Dental formula (DF): 1+2/2+1; rami length (RaL): 22µm (4)
Location (1): Mte. Maolo, Elba, Italy, lithotelma
Habitat (1): between moss/ detritus (click to enlarge >>>>)
Date (1): coll.: 08.09.2020, img.: 05.10.2020 (1);
Location: Rittener Hütte, South Tirol, Italy; dry moss sample (2)
Habitat: between leafs (2)
Date: 08.2020; img: 13.01.2021 (2).
freshwater life
marine life