Macrotrachela quadricornifera var. ligulata: whirling, focus plane on the two-lobed upper lip with a small ligula in the sulcus. |
Macrotrachela quadricornifera var. ligulata: crop of the above image. The arrow points to the small ligula in the sulcus. |
Macrotrachela quadricornifera var. ligulata: upper left: head with rostrum and two-lobed lamella. upper right: foot with spurs. Lower images: two aspects of the rounded appendages on the first foot segment. |
Macrotrachela quadricornifera var. ligulata: 5 additional aspects of the rostrum. Upper left showing two bundles of short motile cilia (Ci); one of several more stiff and longer bristles and some ??sensory cells (arrows)??. Upper right: focal plane on the two lobes of the rostrum lamella. The big structure (arrow) and the three smaller structures (arrowheads) might be nerve cells. Middle left: the marked structures might be either nerve axons, muscles for retracting the rostrum or the ducts of the retrocerebral organ, which, according to BEAUCHAMP, lead to the tip of the rostrum. |
see also >>> M. quadricornifera loricata; M. quadricornifera quadricornifera; M. quadricornifera scutellata |
Location : Steinplatte, Waidring, Tirol, Austria |
Habitat: moss |
Date: 14.07. 2014 |