Notholca acuminata, swimming specimen from (2); dorsoventral view. Visible is the conspicuous red eyespot. |
Notholca acuminata, specimen with retracted head / corona, dorsoventral view. Focus plane on the 6 anterior dorsal spines. (3) |
Notholca acuminata, dorsal view of specimen with extremely protruded head as result of being compressed by coverslide. (1) |
Notholca acuminata, anterior part (1) |
Notholca acuminata, anterior part. Focus plane on the ventral anterior rim of the lorica. The arrow points to the dorsal antenna. The triangles point to some circular structures of unknown function. (1) |
Notholca acuminata, lateral view (1). Dorsal of the Notholca specimen is a Keratella rotifer specimen. Below is the chlorophyte alga Eudorina elegans (27.03.2011). |
Notholca acuminata, posterior part of the lorica of a macerated specimen. Focus plane on the the dorsally located openings of the lateral antennas (arrows). Also visible are two shells of digested diatoms (?Bacillaria?) (3) |
Notholca acuminata, malleate trophi (3) |
Notholca acuminata, with the intention not to kill unnessarily a living specimen for trophi maceration a dead specimen was sampled, compressed and macerated with NaOCl. Only after dissolving of the lorica it became apparent that this specimen had been heavily infested by the fungus Zoophagus. The chitinous hyphens of this fungus are resistant against NaOCl and are therefore visible here. (3) |
Location (3): Ümminger See, Bochum, NRW, Germany (3) |
Habitat (3): between common reed (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date (3): 23.02.2022 |
Location: Breskens NL, Wassergraben in Deichnähe (1); NSG Unteres Odertal, near Teerofenbrücke (2); |
Habitat: between algae und detritus (1); plankton (2); |
Date: 14.04.2007 (1); 30.05.2019 (2) |