Notommata contorta; specimen from (6), lateral view. |
Notommata contorta; another specimen from (2), lateral view with focal plane (optical median section) on dorsal antenta (DA). The ciliary field (bar) measures about one third of the total body length. (2) |
Notommata contorta: sensory organs. Notommata contorta has two dorsal antennas; the upper image shows the left dorsal antenna; the image in the middle shows the right one. Also visibe are the crystals in the RCO. The lower image shows the right lateral antenna. (6) |
Notommata contorta: lateral view; specimen from (4). |
Notommata contorta: virgate trophi; different focus planes. (6) |
Notommata contorta: lateral view; specimen with resting egg (7). |
Notommata contorta: resting egg with sculptured shell. Also visible are the cilia of the right lateral antenna (7). |
Notommata contorta: with conspicuous transversal folds behind the ciliary field (1) |
Sample (6) courtesy of Dr. Martin Kreutz, Konstanz. |
Location: Stefansbachtal Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer pond (1); Bargerveen/nature reserve Bourtange, Sphagnum pond (2); NSG Heiliges Meer, NRW; Germany; Futter-Kolk (4); Simmelried near Konstanz, BW, Germany; Sphagnum pond (6); Stang-Alar; Botanical Garden, Brest; Brittany, France (7) |
Habitat: Plankton / Periphyton (1); Sphagnum (2); Detritus (4); psammon (6); (7) |
Date: 31.8.08 (1); 11.11.2012 (2); 06.04.2018 (4) ; 23.07.2021 (6) ; 23.08.2021 (7) |