Otostephanos torquatus; ventral view, whirling. The rings around the trochal pedicels are clearly visible (arrowheads). |
Otostephanos torquatus; ventral view, whirling. Focal plane on the lower lip. Between the wheel pedicels a distinct ligule is visible. |
Otostephanos torquatus; dorsal view, whirling. The upper lip is undivided. |
Otostephanos torquatus; left image: trophi with dental formula 6/6 or more; upper right:crop of the above image, head with upper lip. |
Otostephanos torquatus; lateral view of the head region showing the dorsal antenna which is relative small compared to O. monteti. |
Otostephanos torquatus; upper image and left image: two aspects of the whirling head, frontal view, different focus planes. The upper image shows the rostrum and the tip of the short dorsal antenna as well. The rostrum seems to contain two tube-like structures (arrowheads)(2). Right image: head of specimen from (4), focus plane on the 3 lobed upper lip. |
Otostephanos torquatus amoenus; two images from specimens from (4). Left image: rostrum of a creeping specimen with two-lobed rostrum lamella. The arrow heads point to the setae that protrude both sides of the rostrum. Right: trophi with dental formula 7/7 |
Location: Anhausen, Bavaria, bridge (1); Gloer water-reservoir, EN-district, dam-wall (2). Location: Hagen, Germany, garden, sandstone bird bath (3); Hattingen Oberstüter, staircase |
Habitat: dry moss on concrete, high sun exposition (1,2,4), together with Pleuretra lineata and Philodina vorax (1); together with Pleuretra lineata (2).,Detritus (3); (4) dry moss on concrete (4) |
Date: coll. 29.09.2013 (img: 5.10.2013)(1); 11.10.2013(2) ; 04.03.2016 (3); |
Identification (specimen 1+2) by courtesy of Nataliia Iakovenko, University of Ostrava, Czech republic. |