Pleuretra brycei; whirling specimen; dorsal view; focal plane on the forked spine (arrow) at the anterior rim of the trunk lorica which is characteristic for this species. Also visible is the (optical transect of the) dorsal antenna (arrowhead). |
Pleuretra brycei; another whirling specimen, extended corona with wide sulcus; dorsalventral view. Focal plane on the upper lip. In contrast to some Philodina-morphotypes that are also inhabitants of lithotelmata this Pleuretra-species is characterized by a stiff lorica with many spines/ extensions (see images below). |
Pleuretra brycei; whirling specimen; ventral view; focal plane on the lower lip. |
Pleuretra brycei; creeping specimen (with retracted corona), dorsal view, focal plane on the ornamentation of the dorsal lorica of the trunk. |
Pleuretra brycei; creeping specimen (with retracted corona) lateral view. The spines on the posterior folds of the lorica have several dents in this morphotype (arrowheads). |
Pleuretra brycei; creeping specimen; dorsoventral view. Focal plane on the inconspicuous cone-shaped spurs with interspace and the lateral spines at the anterior rim of the ventral integument of the trunk (arrowheads). |
Pleuretra brycei; creeping specimen; ventral view. Focal plane on the rostrum with sensory cilia. Also visible are the transverse folds of the ventral integument of the trunk. |
Pleuretra brycei; ventral integument with pores. |
Pleuretra brycei; creeping specimen; focal plane on the rostrum and the foot with 4 toes. |
Pleuretra brycei; crop of the above image. DT: dorsal toes; VT: ventral toes. |
Pleuretra brycei: ramate trophi. Left: cephalic view; dental formula (DF): 2/2. Right; caudal view; rami length (RaL): 34µm. |