Proales fallaciosa, may feed as a scavenger or is necrophagous, as seen here: the arrowheads point to 9 specimens feeding inside of the lorica of a copepod. (4). |
Proales fallaciosa, dorsoventral view. This species characterized by the single asymmetric orientated cerebral eyespot located on the right side (arrowhead) and a dorsal papilla/appendage between the toes (arrow; this appendage is in contrast to Proales decipiens) |
Proales fallaciosa, dorsoventral view. Specimen from (1) |
Proales fallaciosa, dorsal view. The dorsal papilla/ appendage of the tail is visible in this image. (1) |
Proales fallaciosa, cerebral eyespot with lens-like structure. (1) |
Proales fallaciosa, virgate trophi (3) |
Proales fallaciosa, ventral view of a specimen from (3). Focus plane is on the ventral ciliary field and the integument around the mouth (lower lip). |
Proales fallaciosa, two aspects of the foot of two specimens from (3). Left image: in contrast to Proales decipiens this species has a small dorsal appendix / papilla (arrowhead) between the toes. This may also lead to confusion with Notommata tripus, especially if the specimen is not fully expanded. Right: focus plane on toes and foot glands. |
Proales fallaciosa, lateral view of a specimen from (4). The insert shows the single eyespot which is displaced to the right part of the head. |
Proales fallaciosa, virgate trophi; basal apophyses on rami; rami without alulae, which is in contrast to Proales sordida (4) |
Proales fallaciosa, specimen from (5). The arrow points to the dorsal papilla between the toes |
Location: Bochum-Querenburg; Kalwesteiche (1) Gevelsberg Grünes Klassenzimmer, pond (2); Nature reserve NSG Schwalm, pond (3); Recker Moor, trench (4); Nature reserve NSG Heiliges Meer; Germany; Großes Heiliges Meer (5) |
Habitat: between duckweed (Lemna sp.) (1); periphyton (Utricularia) (3); detritus (4); epibiontic on the submerged leafs of Ranunculus fluitans (5). |
Date: 19.5.2007 (1); 06.11.2015 (3); coll: 13.06.2018, img.:23.06.2018 (4); 30.05.2019 (5) |