Rotaria tardigrada, whirling specimen. Two eyespots on the rostrum. Often the integument is covered with detritus (2) |
Rotaria tardigrada, another specimen, whirling (1) |
Rotaria tardigrada, while creeping the corona is retracted. Instead the rostrum is visible. (1) |
Rotaria tardigrada, crop of upper image. The red pigment of the eyespots is often scattered posteriorly of the eyespots.(2) |
Rotaria tardigrada, head with rostrum; focus plane on the sulcus/ upper lip (4) |
Rotaria tardigrada, rostrum with eyespots and lamella. (3) |
Rotaria tardigrada, creeping, view from the ventral side. This species is characterized by the ventral toes (VT; the length is marked by the right upper double arrow; the single dorsal toe marked by arrowhead) which are much longer than the spurs (Sp; the length of which is marked by the left lower double arrow). (5) |
Rotaria tardigrada, foot of a creeping specimen, lateral view. Because when creeping the body is bent in an O-shaped form (see image above) the dorsal toe and the spurs are positioned near the substrate which would be on the bottom of this image. The moving direction would be to the left side. (5) |
Rotaria tardigrada, foot of a creeping specimen from (4), lateral view. Locomotion is to the right side. |
Rotaria tardigrada, integument with "wart-like" pores of ± the same size, which is in contrast to the structure of the integument of Rotaria neptunoida. (4) |
Rotaria tardigrada, ramate trophi. Left: cephalic view; dental formula (DF): 2/2. Right: caudal view; rami length (RaL): 27µm. (4) |
Rotaria tardigrada, specimen with parasites (5) |
Location: Gevelsberg, Gruenes Klassenzimmer, pond (1); (2); (3); Suploch; Priwall, SH, Germany; pond (4) |
Habitat: detritus on leafs or algae (1); (2); (3); detritus (4) |
Date: 02.06.2006(1); 23.08.2011(2); 29.11.2012 (3); 19.04.2019 (4) |
Location (5): NSG Kaisbergaue, Hagen, NRW, Germany, pond |
Habitat (5): detritus (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (5): 18.10.2022 |