Scaridium longicaudum, a rotifer with very long foot and even longer toes. Lateral view. |
Scaridium longicaudum; foot (F) with toes (Z). Inside the foot the tranversal striated muscles are visible. |
Scaridium longicaudum (2), dorsoventral view |
Scaridium longicaudum (2), some parts of the mastax are colored orange-red (arrowhead). This species has no eyespot! |
Scaridium longicaudum, another specimen from (3). |
Location: Wahner Heide near Cologne, Germany, pond with Chara sp. and Utricularia(1) / Lech near Klosterlechfeld, Bavaria (2), pond; water reservoir Wuppertalsperre (3) |
Habitat: Plankton / Periphyton (1);(2);(3) |
Date: 18.10.2011 (1) / 10.8.2012 (2); 17.09.2014 (3) |