Synchaeta longipes; dorsoventral view: highly convex corona with central prominence bearing cilia (triangle). Size about 200µm. The foot is distinct. The egg contains orange-red lipoids. (2) |
Synchaeta longipes; anterior part of the same specimen as above; the head / corona are triangular shaped which is in contrast to Synchaeta stylata (2) |
Synchaeta longipes; dorsoventral view: highly convex corona with central prominence bearing cilia (triangle). Size about 200µm. The foot is distinct. (1) |
Synchaeta longipes; same specimen, focal plane on the second (ventral) pair of setae. (1) |
Synchaeta longipes; specimen from (3). |
Synchaeta longipes; specimen from (3), trophi. |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer, pond (1); Anhauser Weiher, Bavaria (2); Hattingen Felderbachtal, pond (3) |
Habitat: Plankton/ Periphyton (1); Plankton (2;3) |
Date:22.05.2006 (1); 10.08.2012 (2); 13.05.2017 (3) |