Lecane closterocerca: dorsoventral view; specimen with corona retracted into the lorica. Focus plane on the characteristic foot with one toe tapering into the tip without claws. (2) |
Lecane closterocerca: ventral view; focus plane on the 4 characteric longitudinal transverse folds on the ventral plate of the lorica. (21.5.2008) (1) |
Lecane closterocerca: dorsoventral view, whirling. (21.5.2008) (1) |
Lecane closterocerca: dorsoventral view, retracted head; fused toes. (1) |
Lecane closterocerca: specimen from (3), dorsoventral view. |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer (pond) (1); Reeweg, Hollum, Ameland, NL, pond (2); Crummbach, Simplon Pass, 2000m (3) |
Habitat: submerged wood. (1); between algae (2); lotic water between Fontinalis-moss (3) |
Date: 17.8.2008 (1); 21.10.2018 (2); coll.: 09.10.2021, img.: 21.10.2021 (3) |