Notommata glyphura; dorsoventral view. Specimen from (1) |
Notommata glyphura; dorsal view.Focus planer on the retrocerebral organ with yellow retrocerebral sac (RCS) and red eyespot. The arrow points to the opening of the dorsal antenna. Br: Brain. Specimen from (2). |
Notommata glyphura; two aspects of specimen from (2), ventral view; different focus planes. Upper image: focus plane on the ciliary field and the slightly ventrally curved toes. |
Notommata glyphura;same specimen from (2), ventral view; focus plane on the openings of the ducts of the RCO. |
Notommata glyphura; left: the arrowheads point to the openings of the ducts of the retrocerebral organ (RCO). Right: in a specimen being macerated for trophi analysis the Y-shaped duct of the RCO, which is is filled with granules becomes visible. (2) |
Notommata glyphura; another aspect of the RCO and red cerebral eyespot. The duct of the RCO is partly filled with light refracting bodies ("bacteroides") (2) |
Notommata glyphura; contracted specimen, slightly compressed by coverslide. The arrow points to the trophi of a bdelloid rotifer (presumably Philodina megalotrocha, which was found in the same sample) in the stomach of N. glyphura, which is a predator of bdelloid rotifers. Below the trophi/ stomach the distinct bladder of Notommata glyphura is visible. |
Notommata glyphura; aspects of the trophi. Upper left: rami, alulae and fulcrum; upper right: rami, alulae and fulcrum, different focal plane. Lower left: uncus; lower right: manubrium. |
Location: Hattingen-Welper, Schleuse (1); Gwell Kaer, Bretagne, Franc; creek (2) |
Habitat: periphyton between Elodea, Oedogonium und Hydrodictyon (1); Periphyton (2) |
Date: 27.09.2011 (1); 21.08. 2020 (2) |